The Rocky Mountain Electroacoustic Music Festival

March 14 – 16 2025
University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Electrowave, the Rocky Mountain Electronic Music Festival is a weekend celebration of electronic music, electronic musical instruments and above all performers, composers and facilitators of electronic and electroacoustic music. The festival features a series of concerts, installations, talks, workshops and presentations, gathering together a broad spectrum of experimental music-makers from across the Rocky Mountains and beyond to perform, share, experience and discuss the many vibrant trends in electronic music performance today.

Conceived as a collaboration between the Colorado Modular Synth Society (CMSS) and the UCCS Department of Music, the Electrowave festival seeks to connect and inspire electronic musicians across the many music-making communities of the region, and to introduce recent musical innovations (and inventions) to a broader listening public.

ELECTROWAVE 2025 includes a Synthesizer Petting Zoo, improvised laptop performances, electronic instrumental ensembles, a selection of modular synth video works, electronic works involving live performers, sound installations, an outdoor Soundwalk and more.